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Afghanistan/Earthquake: Malteser International provides 100,000 euros

Around 20 million people, half of Afghanistan's population, are starving and in need of help. Malteser International has been distributing food to the most vulnerable people through a local partner over the past months. Photo/archive: Union Aid/Malteser International

Cologne. After the severe earthquake in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday night, Malteser International is providing emergency relief in the amount of 100,000 Euros. A first team of the local partner organisation "Union Aid" has set out for the province of Paktika, which has been hit particularly hard by the earthquake, to provide 1,000 households with emergency medical kits, drinking water and basic food.

"This disaster is hitting a country where one in two people is already starving. Droughts and an economic crisis are hitting the population hard. We need to help the affected villages quickly now, because in addition to the thousands of dead, thousands have also been left homeless. These people need our help," says Cordula Wasser, Head of the Asia Department of Malteser International.



Attention Editors:
Cordula Wasser, Head of the Asia Department of Malteser International is available for interviews.
Operator: +49 (0)221 98227-181, katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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