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Celebrating and helping others

Inspired by their journeys to Africa, Kerstin and Holger Neumann decided to make a big birthday extra special by inviting around 70 guests to a party at the Leipzig zoo. In addition to celebrating, the couple wanted to do something good for the people that they met on their travels. Instead of birthday presents, the Neumanns asked that their guests contribute to Malteser International’s projects in South Sudan.

"The nature, the people, and the very different way of life have made Africa very dear to our hearts," the Neumanns said, "Organising this event to help was really important to us - the response that we head was overwhelmingly positive, and, together with the party, it is something that we will never forget."

Why not use your celebration to do something good for others? Contact us, and we would be happy to give you our support!

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