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Uganda, the so-called “pearl of Africa“, is one of the better developed nations in the east of the continent, but twenty years of civil war in the north of the country have left their mark. On top of this, the country is burdened with massive numbers of refugees from the neighbouring countries of DR Congo and South Sudan

The official position of the government is that Uganda needs to help its neighbours in need, and accept refugees into its own villages and communities. The regions affected by this phenomenon, however, are also often suffering from drought, a lack of drinking water, and other structural weaknesses.

Your donation can help people in Uganda.


Stories from Uganda

Empowering through education

Hope and opportunity for refugees and locals alike.

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Enhancing Menstrual Hygiene Management for girls and women

Reusable menstrual pads offer a multitude of benefits.

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Seizing opportunities in Rhino Refugee Camp

Martin Lokolo, a refugee from South Sudan, founds a club in Uganda that is taking on more and more agricultural tasks and is growing in size.

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Safety is my new home

Read the stories of two young women who left their homes in South Sudan in search of safety and found it in Uganda.

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Responds to floods and landslides distaster

Malteser International mobilizes relief efforts.

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Planting trees for a better future in Uganda

Our expert on afforestation explains why trees are marvels and what a tree in Uganda has to do with people in Europe.

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Tumalu's story

Tumalu fled the civil war in South Sudan when her village was attacked. Now she lives in the Rhino refugee camp, about 600 kilometers from her home.

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Asio Rebecca, 27: "I almost gave up"

"Until I came to Suubi Lyaffe with my Faith, I was full of doubt. Strength and love had left me."

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Lillian's story

Lillian Candiru was born and raised in the north of Uganda. 33 years ago, the local landscape looked quite different.

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Completed projects:


Our work in Uganda

Malteser International Locations:
Kampala, Arua

Daniela Krings
Email: daniela.krings(at)malteser-international.org

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