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New Order of Malta humanitarian aid delivery reaches Gaza

Rome/Cologne. Following the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Sovereign Order of Malta a new aid delivery has reached the Palestinian population in northern Gaza. The vital relief supplies were handed over to the parish of Gaza City and are being distributed to people in need.

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South Sudan: Malteser International supports refugees from Sudan

Cologne/Juba. After more than a year of conflict in Sudan, a growing number of people are fleeing hunger and violence, seeking refuge in South Sudan. According to the United Nations, approximately 740,000 individuals have crossed the border into South Sudan since the war began. With support from the Federal Foreign Office, Malteser International is allocating 200,000 euros to assist both the refugees and the host communities.

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Out now: Our Annual Report 2023

One year at Malteser International: one year full of events, full of crises, hopes and prayers, full of gratitude for your trust and support for our work. Read in our new annual report how and where your donations were used, which core areas and events accompanied us during the last year and how our organization developed. In the interest of transparency, you will also find detailed information on our finances and other key figures on our projects in the annual report, which show how the funds made available to us were used. Read our 2023 annual report now!

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Cyclone in Bangladesh: Malteser International launches emergency aid

Cologne/Dhaka. After Cyclone Remal caused severe devastation in the border region between India and Bangladesh about a week ago, Malteser International launched an emergency aid program providing €100,000. Together with local partner organizations, houses, latrines and stables in 34 villages will be rebuilt. In addition, staff will distribute cash to particularly affected households.

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Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and Sovereign Order of Malta deliver humanitarian aid in Gaza

Jerusalem-Rome-Cologne His Beatitude, Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem entered today Gaza and reached the parish of the Holy Family for a pastoral  visit. Together with His Beatitude was Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta. Accompanying the small delegation was also Fr. Gabriele Romanelli, parish priest of Gaza. They met the suffering population to encourage them and to deliver a message of hope, solidarity, and support. His Beatitude presided the mass in the parish church with the local community and visited the St. Porphyrius Orthodox church and met with Bishop Alexios and the community.

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Floods in Kenya: Malteser International distributes food and cash

Nairobi. Heavy rainfall caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon has flooded large parts of Kenya. According to government figures, around 200 people have died so far. Many are still missing. Around 165,000 people have had to leave their homes. The heavy rains have been continuing for more than six weeks. Malteser International will distribute food and cash through a local partner.

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