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Volcano eruption Tonga: Malteser International provides 20,000 Euro emergency aid

The volcanic eruption on 15 January almost completely covered the island state of Tonga with a thick layer of ash. Photo: picture alliance / ZUMAPRESS.com / Tonga Geological Services

Cologne. 80 percent of the population, about 84,000 people, have been affected by the effects of the volcanic eruption last weekend and require assistance. The most urgent needs now are drinking water and food. As first emergency relief, Malteser International is providing 20,000 Euros with the support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

"The information reaching us about Malteser Australia and New Zealand is shocking. Almost the entire island nation is covered in a thick layer of ash. Crops have been destroyed, groundwater and fish are contaminated and three people lost their lives. On some islands, like the small island of Mango, all houses have been destroyed. We will now support the Australian and New Zealand Malteser with our emergency aid of 20,000 Euros so that they can provide quick help," says Clemens Graf von Mirbach-Harff, Secretary General of Malteser International.

Since the Kingdom of Tonga has come through the pandemic virtually COVID-free so far, the aid will be provided without contact. The current plan is to transport containers with drinking water and food from New Zealand by ship to Tonga for local distribution.




Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org

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