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Enhancing the economic situation and improving livelihoods

Over two million Syrian refugees and 320,000 working-age individuals seeking international protection in Türkiye are mostly working illegally. Reasons for this are barriers in obtaining work permits and the high costs of social security in the country. This issue particularly affects vulnerable groups, including households led by women or individuals with disabilities, who have difficulties finding work and meet their basic needs. Malteser International is actively providing support to those impacted by the recent earthquake through non-cash aid, electronic vouchers, and direct cash assistance. In collaboration with our partner, Orange, we are dedicated to revitalizing the economy in Kahramanmaraş, focusing on securing sustainable livelihoods despite diminishing financial resources.

A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit southeastern Türkiye and northwest Syria, affecting over 13 million people across 11 provinces. This included host communities and refugees who fled after the Syria crisis in 2011. The death toll exceeded 50,000 people, with over 107 thousand injured (Source: Türkiye's emergency response agency, AFAD).

The aftermath left millions of people homeless. Organizations like the Turkish Red Crescent and AFAD set up makeshift camps, later transitioning to prefabricated shelters to provide minimum shelter needs. Thousands sought refuge in schools, stadiums, and public buildings. Refugees, particularly Syrians, faced increased challenges with injuries, lost livelihoods, and housing issues.

On the businesses side, these challenges hinder the capacity to generate jobs. Small businesses in particular face language barriers and have difficulties accessing market information, financing, and support programs. This affects Syrian and other refugee-owned businesses, who often lack connections and access to support. 

Our main goal is to revive small and micro businesses affected by the earthquake, restoring their services and reactivating their contribution to the local economy.

Support small and micro businesses as well as service providers in having access to business management knowledge, finance, and resilience techniques.


Country info

Capital: Ankara
Area: 783.562 km²
Population: approx. 80.8 million

Project data

Donor: Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) 
Partner: Orange

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