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Mexico, a country of around 120 million inhabitants, is highly climatically, culturally, and economically diverse. The extreme inequality in the living conditions of the population is one of the more noticeable contrasts that characterize the country, bringing with it a limited access to basic services for some, especially in rural areas.

Despite recent advances in efforts to tackle poverty, more than 40 per cent of the population is rated as poor according to a multidimensional poverty index, which also takes into account access to facilities such as medical care, education, and income. Above all, people in rural areas are burdened with many social and economic disadvantages. The cities, however, have their own problems. Eleven per cent of Latin America’s HIV positive people live in Mexico, often in impoverished and overpopulated urban areas. Mexico also regularly experiences natural disasters such as flooding, hurricanes, drought and earthquakes. People in outlying areas are especially vulnerable to these dangers.

The Mexican Association of the Order of Malta has been active in the capital and 21 of Mexico’s federal states since 1990. Its 2,000 or so volunteers are active in the areas of health, nutrition, income creation measures, as well as emergency relief and disaster risk reduction. Malteser International has been supporting the activities of the Mexican Order of Malta since the severe flooding in the state of Tabasco in October 2007.

Our projects in Mexico

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Our work in Mexico

Malteser International Location: Mexico City

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