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Nepal Earthquake: Urgent need for food and emergency shelters

Malteser International to distribute food supplies to almost 10,000 people

Cologne/Kathmandu: Almost a week after the devastating earthquake in Nepal, countless numbers of people, especially in outlying regions, are still having to endure without supplies or a roof over their head. Malteser International is concentrating its aid where it is most needed: in the rural areas outside of the capital. Together with a local partner, Malteser International will be distributing basic food supplies to 1,600 especially needy families - around 10,000 people - living in the districts of Kavre and Sunduplanchok during the coming days. ?Although located only 40 kilometers outside of Kathmandu, conditions on the ground means that it takes around one and a half hours to reach the districts by car from the capital?. Each family will receive 20 kilos of rice, 5 kilos of lentils, 1 kilo of salt and a litre of oil. Additionally, they will be given a family hygiene set containing towels, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

“Because of the heavy damage, there are still huge numbers of people not being supplied with even the bare essentials. With one of these food packs, we can secure the survival of a family for the next ten days… the clock is ticking, and we are working under a lot of pressure,” says to Dr. Marie Benner, who is coordinating distribution on the ground.

Malteser International has also procured tarpaulins for the construction of emergency shelters for the survivors, as well as medical goods and equipment to supply hospitals and health centres. The team of experts from Malteser International currently on the ground will be reinforced by an additional doctor, paramedic and first aider this weekend. Malteser International has been working in Nepal since September 2012 on projects to reduce the risk of damage from catastrophic flooding, as well as improve the provision of basic water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in the country.

For editors: We are able to provide Malteser International experts both in Nepal and at our Headquarters for interviews.
Contact: Tel.: +49 (0)221 9822 155, or email: petra.ipp(at)malteser-international(dot)org.

Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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