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Kenya: Climate-related flooding forces hundreds of thousands to flee

The heavy rainfalls of the past weeks have caused flooding in many parts of East Africa. Photo: PACIDA/Malteser International

Together with a regional partner organization, Malteser International has distributed food provisions to families who have been hit particularly hard. Photo/archive: Malteser International

Malteser International distributes relief goods

Nairobi. During the past weeks, heavy rainfalls have forced millions of people in East Africa to abandon their houses; there were more than 200 casualties so far. In Kenia alone, over half a million people are affected by the floodings. The intense rain was caused by weather phenomena like El Niño, which have led to extreme weather this year, as well as the increasing effects of climate change. “After three years of drought, the soil in many parts of the country was simply to dry and dense for the water to drain away. By now, practically everything drowns in the sheer water masses caused by the El Niño effect”, says Martin Schömburg, country coordinator Kenia at Malteser International. “Streets become torrents, bridges are washed away and houses completely flooded. Many people wade knee-deep in water. In Kenia, we can now witness that and how climate change affects the life of the people, because weather extremes have been amassing here. And the predominant majority of the population here has done nothing to expedite climate change.” Together with the local partner organization PCIDA, Malteser International has now increased its emergency relief action. 

Almost 14.000 people who have lost their homes have received food packages from Malteser. Furthermore, mosquito nets and drinking water have been distributed to minimize the danger of malaria, diarrhea and other diseases. The relief aid is supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“There is no end of the rain falls in sight, and the needs of those hit hardest will only grow. More heavy rainfalls are forecast until February. The people in the affected regions depend on our help. It is now essential to stop diseases like cholera and malaria from spreading”, says Schömburg.

Attention editors:
You can download photos here.
Martin Schömburg, Country Coordinator for Malteser International in Kenia, is available for interviews and sound bites.
Contact: +49 (0)221 9822- 7181, katharina.kiecol@malteser-international.org
The people affected in Kenya are in urgent need of donations:
Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V.
IBAN: DE10 3706 0120 1201 2000 12

Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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