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Ukraine: Psychological care for evacuees from Mariupol

In Dnipro and in Lviv, Malteser Ukraine offers professional psychological support. There is a great demand for this service. Photo: Malteser Ukraine

"High demand and human tragedies"

Cologne/Lviv. In the past days, around 2,600 people have been evacuated from Mariupol to the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro. Ten psychologists from Malteser Ukraine are offering psychological consultations. "The demand for our consultations is high. Around 200 people are queuing in order to get help from our professionals. Especially adults urgently need psychological support to cope with having been locked up for months. That's a huge challenge we have to overcome. It is not easy for our professionals to deal with the stories they listen to every day. But they keep going because these people need someone they can talk to," says Pavlo Titko, head of Malteser Ukraine. Dnipro is also repeatedly a target of Russian missiles.

Special medication needed for patients

The supply situation for the newly arrived refugees is critical which is why Malteser Ukraine sends food supplies to Dnipro. "We are reaching our limits. There are very sick people among the refugees, people who should be undergoing chemotherapy, who suffer from other serious illnesses and need special medication. These people cannot be adequately cared for at the moment. We see human tragedies every day," says Titko.

Attention editors:

Oliver Hochedez, Head of the Emergency Relief Department of Malteser International

and Pavlo Titko, Head of Malteser Ukraine (German speaking) are available for interviews and sound bites.

Operator: +49 (0)221 98227 181, katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org



Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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