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Unrest in Haiti: "Our Work is Becoming More Challenging, but We Remain on the Ground"

"Our work is becoming increasingly challenging every day, but we at Malteser International are committed to staying on the ground and supporting the people," says Yolette Etienne, Partner and Programme Coordinator for Malteser International in Haiti. Photo: Malteser International

Gangs have largely seized power in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and are engaging in acts of rape, kidnapping, murder, and terror against the populace. Photo: AP

Cologne/Port-au-Prince. In the wake of the resignation of Haiti's interim Prime Minister Ariel Henry, violence in Haiti has intensified. Gangs have largely seized power in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and are engaging in acts of rape, kidnapping, murder, and terror against the populace. Numerous diplomats have departed the country, including the German ambassador. According to the United Nations, approximately 362,000 people are internally displaced within Haiti.

"Our work is becoming increasingly challenging every day, but we at Malteser International are committed to staying on the ground and supporting the people," says Yolette Etienne, Partner and Programme Coordinator of Malteser International in Port-au-Prince. "Those fleeing violence are now residing on the streets of Port-au-Prince with their children. There is no safe haven for them within the city as the streets are controlled by gangs. Providing aid to the people is becoming progressively more difficult due to unsafe transportation routes and the soaring prices of fuel, medicines, and basic necessities over the past few months. Consequently, we are finding it increasingly difficult to provide malnourished children with supplementary food using the funds available. This often leaves me feeling helpless. However, I am Haitian. I reside here, and I, together with my colleagues and thanks to the trust of so many, am determined to continue standing by my compatriots. I also hope for the solidarity of people worldwide, so that they do not abandon us amidst this chaos."

Malteser International has been active in Haiti since the earthquake in 2010. Initially focusing on emergency aid and reconstruction support, the current emphasis of our work is on providing nutritional assistance to malnourished children and pregnant women; as well as ensuring long-term food security and creating income-generating opportunities, particularly for women.

Attention editors:
Yolette Etienne (English-speaking) Partner and Programme Coordinator of Malteser International in Port-au-Prince and
Jelena Kaifenheim, Program Director Americas are available for interviews and sound bites.
Contact / Operator: Katharina Kiecol, katharina.kiecol@malteser-international.org, +49 (0)221 9822 7181


The people affected in Haiti are in urgent need of donations:
Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V.
IBAN: DE10 3706 0120 1201 2000 12
Keyword: "Haiti"


Ihr Kontakt

Katharina Kiecol
Email: katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org


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